May 7, 2009


So I don't get how you can go your whole 24 years of life without allergies and then BAM! one day you wake up with itchy eyes and after a week of burning, congestion and fatigue your eye looks like this:

(This is not my eye, but my swelling was similar)

The doctor gave me some flonase, eyedrops and pills. I'm feeling much better except for the itching. Seriously kudos to all of you who've had to put up with allergies your whole life.
P.S. School's out for the SUMMER!!!!!!


Cassi Wood said...

Sure it's not Swine flu? :) Yay for summer! My eyes were secreting green goo when I was in Germany, BTW.

Ro Ro Riot said...

Ew. Yuck. Your eye was gross.

Carrie said...

Ew. poor shasha. I head about that.

Haught Fudge said...

I her salt water can cure that...salt water from the beach...a beach in Malibu...not far from here.

Marcus and Cami Bluth said...

My poor, poor bear. I hope your eyes get better with Flonase.

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