Mar 25, 2011

Boston and Maine

Last October I went to a work training in Lewiston, Maine. I wish I had had more time to take pictures, as the leaves were just beginning to change. Imagine street after street of cute new England houses with pumpkins on the porches and gold leaves on the trees! It was gorgeous, in other words. Here's the only picture I was able to take. It was outside where we had our training.

After we had finished up on friday, I was able to go visit my darling Hayley in Boston. Hayley is probably one of the funniest, most gorgeous, free spirited girls you'll ever meet. I didn't get a picture of the two of us unfortunately, but here is quick snap of her cute house in Boston:

On saturday, we took a drive out to Newport, Rhode Island. Newport is/was quite the wealthy town. In one area we found a long avenue that was lined with mansion after mansion house.

After getting our fill of mansions, we took the coast highway for a bit and stopped to play on the beach and skip rocks.

Hayley taking a picture of me taking a picture of her.

The last thing I got to see in Boston was by far my favorite and that was Walden Pond. The place is very peaceful and doesn't have that "touristy" feel at all. Hayley was brave enough to take a swim. I enjoyed walking the paths and checking out the site where Thoreau lived.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not
learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die,
discovered that I had not lived"-Henry David Thoreau

1 comment:

Rachel Anderson said...

I miss you both SO MUCH! I can't believe Hayley took a SWIM in that pond!...or maybe I can. Boston is one of my favorite places ever. Come to a work training in Philadelphia next time!