May 21, 2010

"Job" your memory

This past week I was hired for my first "real" job. I've been thinking
a lot about the random jobs I have had, thanks to being a college student
for so long. For instance, I bet you didn't know that I helped launch this baby
on its first test flight.

Some of the other random ones:

book binder
gymnastics coach
dorm mom and campus tour guide to future American Indian scholars
Substitute teacher
Compassionate listener for a crisis hotline

Some of the ones I've liked:

Production Assistant at the Missionary Training Center
Therapist Intern

Some of the one's I didn't:

Location Manager for a feature film


Ro Ro Riot said...

So what is your real job? Remember location scouting for that film? Remember that guy that wanted to trade his home for his daughter basically?

Carrie said...

wow I forgot about that! Didn't he say something like "You must use her in your movie, she is VERY attractive."

Hayley said...

This is my daughter, "Sleeps a Lot." Find her a good dorm room, please.