Oct 1, 2009

For tash

Its been a little while since I've been on here. I'm sure all five or six of you who read this have missed my attempts at being clever and witty. I wish I could update you all with interesting tidbits about love and life but I've pretty much been studying, working and sleeping. Oh, I must mention I got to go to Dallas two weeks ago with Kimball to see President Uctdorff. He is surprisingly tall and surprisingly a fan of Harry Potter as he quoted Dumbledore in his talk. Joe and Katy were excellent hosts and have the very cutest kids. Lately I've been a bit busy trying to nurse my immune system back to health. I went to the doctor about a month ago after feeling like crap for a week (high fever, throat pain, exhaustion). As it turns out I didn't have mono, but a mono-like illness. What is that? I have no idea. I wonder if the doctor made up the term on the spot to make me feel better. But I haven't been feeling better; at that time or for almost a month since. I'm tired all the time (and I'm usually an energetic person), fever on and off, and throat pain. Cami, my big sister had mono in highschool. I remember her sleeping a lot. When I found out what I had I texted her to ask what she felt like. She said: "I felt like crap all the time!" This is what your tonsils look like with mono:
The good news is I'm feeling better.


Alan said...

Yeah, when I had mono, I spent two weeks trying to wait out what I thought was strep and my tonsils kept getting whiter and nastier...

Mono or mono-like, coated tonsils suck. My condolences.

Hayley said...

dude, uchtdorf gave the same talk here! I feel cheated.

okay not really.

didnt know you were feeling ill, yo! And that picture..it looks like a bum hole or something

Ro Ro Riot said...

Oh gross. I'm sorry that yuck was happening to you. If I'd known you were sick I would've sent you chicken soup in the mail.

Hayley, don't you know you're not supposed to refer to him as simply Uchtdorf? Out of respect you should use his title, his full name, the names of his parents, and his place of origin, like this:

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, son of Karl Albert Uchtdorf and Hildegard Else Opelt of Moravská Ostrava (now Ostrava, Czech Republic.)

(Thank you, Wikipedia...)

Mama said...

Carrie, I'm so glad you finally updated your blog - I guess I'm one of the hundred fans of yours, I really enjoy your offerings! I wish you could get better...even though we thought last night you were - tonight you have a fever again :(

Marcus and Cami Bluth said...

My poor Bear! I hope that nasty virus, or whatever it is, leave you alone! Try to rest as much as you can and nurse yourself back to health. Remember, ice cream makes tonsils feel better!

Haught Fudge said...

Thank you. Your tiredness is like you're a mother and the gross tonsil, your child. How sweet.